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Approved by the FDA in 2020, Resilient Hyaluronic Acid, known as RHA, is an advanced injectable that has been specifically created to mimic the hyaluronic acid that our bodies naturally produce. Because RHA is so similar to the hyaluronic acid the body itself produces, it yields a natural look that doesn’t appear stiff - regardless of facial expression. 

Hyaluronic acid is what helps the skin retain structure, volume, and moisture. With time the body produces less hyaluronic acid, which leads to wrinkles and folds. RHA fillers are versatile and provide the following benefits:

  • Smooth the areas around the eyes and mouth, and forehead
  • Add volume to the face
  • Help the face retain its structure
  • Realistic-looking lip fillers
  • Establish facial contours
  • Achieve a natural look that doesn’t look frozen
  • Results typically last for 15 months 


  • RHA 1 - targets fine lines in the face, neck, and cleavage/chest area.
  • RHA 2 - designed for wrinkles and folds in the cheeks and around the mouth, also useful as a lip filler.
  • RHA 3 - ideal for the creases between the nose and mouth, the corners of the mouth, and folds from the mouth to the chin.
  • RHA 4 - developed for folds and dynamic facial wrinkles, or wrinkles that only appear with certain facial expressions. This version requires a deeper injection.


In 2015, RHA was developed through a specialized process in the Teoxane laboratories in Geneva, Switzerland. It is the closest available approximation of the hyaluronic acid that occurs naturally in the body. Only a small number of practices in the United States have access to RHA.

The Maercks Institute


RHA fillers are administered via injection, like Botox. The face will be cleansed and prepared, and then the injections will be precisely delivered to the exact areas, resolving the concerns and achieving beautiful contours, smooth skin, and refined enhancements and definition. The procedure takes only 15-25 minutes. 


RHA is ideal for those who want to minimize wrinkles and folds around their mouth and eyes. It is also suitable for adding volume and creating new contours to the face. The procedure is quick, and like other fillers, has no downtime. Candidates for this procedure are those who meet the criteria below:

  • Are in good health
  • Not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have healthy skin (no active rashes or acne breakouts)
  • Want a realistic look 
  • Are twenty-two or older 
  • Do not have an allergy to lidocaine


RHA fillers are safe and require almost no down time. Some people experience side effects, which typically last no longer than 2-3 days. These possible side effects may include:

  • Redness
  • Bruising or swelling
  • Some tingling or numbness

Dr. Maercks may instruct some patients to ice afterward to reduce swelling. It is also advisable to avoid heavy physical activity for a few days following the procedure.


In order to be able to perform this procedure, clinicians must be board-certified dermatologists or plastic surgeons with a consistently strong track record of patient satisfaction and be considered leaders in their peer group. Dr. Maerck’s practice is one of just a handful that can even offer this procedure. Dr. Maercks spends extra time with RHA patients in order to ensure they understand the process, achieve great results, and feel comfortable with maintenance and aftercare requirements. He is a board-certified plastic surgeon and artist whose skill and eye for beauty ensures RHA results are always beautiful, natural-looking, and refine and enhance your appearance perfectly.

The Maercks Institute

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