When the ears protrude or are too large for the other features, it can detract from the appearance and cause self-consciousness. In young children, ears that stick out can be the source of bullying and teasing and may interfere with healthy socializing. Otoplasty, also called ear pinning, is a surgical procedure to reshape and resize the ears in a way that is more flattering and attractive. Dr. Maercks’ clients see a high rate of patient satisfaction when it comes to ear surgery, thanks to his beautifully balanced results and precision-minded approach.
What will recovery entail?
After surgery, dressings are placed over the ears and remain in place for several days. Pain medications and ibuprofen can be used to help relieve any discomfort. At night, a protective headband may be required to help maintain the new ear shape. Clients usually return to work or school within about a week. Exercise can be resumed within 3-4 weeks.