Histiolume Body Contouring
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Miami, FL

Dr. Maercks has used his expertise and experience to create a non-invasive body and facial skin tightening and body contouring procedure called Histiolume. Most non- or minimally-invasive procedures use some type of ultrasound, light waves, or radiofrequency waves to direct energy to convert skin or fat locally into fat. Patients often don’t see the results they want from these procedures not because of the technology, but because of inadequate treatment thresholds created by physicians that are often blind to the larger picture.

The Histiolume offers a multidimensional view in real time to show exactly what is happening underneath the skin not just in the location being treated, but in a larger field for the practitioner. Dr. Maercks uses state-of-the-art technology and advances in infrared heat signature thermal vision and mapping to create a larger view for the plastic surgeon. Sculpting and lifting are more intelligent with real-time assessment treatment vectors and thresholds. Dr. Maercks continues to develop the procedure to ensure better patient safety and protection along with ultimate efficacy.
Dr. Maercks is committed to using his education and experience to improve the lives of patients through more effective procedures and techniques. He specializes in non-invasive surgical procedures that offer faster recovery times, less blood loss and decreased swelling. Our goal is to make your life better by creating the appearance you’ve always wanted.
Call us today at (305) 328-8256 to schedule a consultation.