They’re coming for your vagina!
Like it or not, it’s the latest profiteering trend in healthcare, your vagina. Today I received this email from Sciton one of the best manufacturers of laser technology and the manufacturer that we use at The Maercks Institute:
“The vaginal health market is a growing and profitable business driven by postmenopausal women seeking treatment for symptoms like dryness, itching, and urinary incontinence. In the US the average age of menopause is 50.5 years, which suggests a target population of 53 million women according to the most recent U.S. census (2010). This new trend creates a large and new client base for a growing practice such as yours. While there have been a number of laser manufacturers that have entered this market recently, we believe our product will leapfrog the competition by providing a safer, more predictable, and more customizable procedure which will ultimately result in better efficacy. Currently in its final phase of clinical trials, we are getting excellent feedback from physicians who say patients are very happy with their results after treatment.”
Cynosure, the manufacturer of the “MonaLisa touch” system a CO2 fractionated laser that shoots inside the vagina, send me endless emails about how I can make amazing amounts of money by being an early adopter. Before you know it this will be a recommended add on to your annual appointment.What the public has to understand is that the drives behind these products are not efficacy but rather capitalization on the dreams and desires of most people. Just like there are hundreds of different machines that will “make you skinny and toned with a painless and noninvasive visit to a practitioners office.” Of course none of them work but it is a billion dollar industry because people will be pay if you tell them what they want is easy and painless.Laser treatments on a basic level are controlled wounding that incites a healing process to make your body generate healthier tissue. I am very concerned with the widespread use of CO2 based laser technology in amateur hands to women’s vaginas. CO2 technology has been largely abandoned by knowledgeable practitioners because it causes extensive “coagulative” or heat based damage to the tissues that can result in scarring, thinning and destruction of components of the skin. I only use a more advanced erbium laser on the face for example. The long term effects of repeated CO2 laser on the vagina could be devastating and to make things worse, the practitioner is protected from mistakes because they are hidden on the inside and not readily visible.My advice is for women to stay far away from these interventions for now. At The Maercks Institute in Miami, FL, I perform vaginal rejuvenation and tightening with a special technique of fat transfer that improves the vascularity compliance and health of the vaginal canal while making it smaller and drastically enhancing sexual pleasure for both partners without a potentially destructive laser. This is usually performed at the same time as an aesthetic MACIE labiaplsty for the esternal rejuvenation and can be combined with G-spot enhancement.Don’t fall prey to the latest marketing hype that could potentially cause severe long term effects!
Book Your Appointment With Dr. Maercks.
Rian A. Maercks M.D.
Aesthetic, Craniofacial and Reconstructive Surgery