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Why A Mommy Makeover Is Right For You

Young woman is standing and holding girl's head and pulling it backwards. Small girl hold her hands on legs and stretching backwards. They are doing excercise at small bridge

While motherhood is among the greatest joys a woman will ever know, most moms will tell you that one of the things they’re not excited about is the change in their physique. Childbirth and nursing can take a toll on the figure. The breasts may lose their volume, shape, and projection, while the stomach loses its taut, youthful contours. Luckily, there is a popular body contouring procedure known as a mommy makeover that can beautifully restore your pre-pregnancy body and boost your satisfaction with your image. Below, we will explore some of the main reasons why women choose the procedure.

A mommy makeover can be customized

One of the best advantages of a mommy makeover is that the procedure can be completely personalized to your needs. Your doctor can select the precise procedures for your unique figure, whether it’s an arm lift, a breast reduction, liposuction, or a thigh lift. Vaginoplasty and facial rejuvenation are also often included in a mommy makeover. You design your treatment plan with your doctor during your private consultation. 

A mommy makeover can boost your self-confidence

While friends and family may be quick to congratulate you on your child’s birth and other milestones, they may not realize the ways in which motherhood has changed your self-image. Seeing yourself in the mirror or in photos can be distressing, especially if your body has morphed as a result of pregnancy and nursing. Gaining weight and not being able to combat stubborn fat with dieting and exercise alone can be stressful. A mommy makeover addresses complex body contouring issues all at once, helping you to get back on track when it comes to looking and feeling like the real you. 

A mommy makeover can increase your wardrobe choices

After a mommy makeover, women can start celebrating with a brand new wardrobe, including swimwear, eveningwear, and lingerie. It can be a huge ego boost to finally wear many of the more trendy styles that were off-limits to you after pregnancy due to bumps and bulges in your silhouette. A mommy makeover beautifully restores a slim, sculpted figure and elegant proportions that you’ll be proud to show off on all occasions.

A mommy makeover will save you time and money

Because you only need to go under anesthesia once and not multiple times, a mommy makeover is a great way to limit cosmetic costs while also shortening your downtime. Instead of having to do recovery for multiple procedures separately, you can rest and recuperate during a specifically designated period of time. You’ll take less time off from work, ensuring fewer missed wages. All things considered, a mommy makeover is among the most practical choices for busy, active women who need to streamline their aesthetic treatment.

What is the takeaway?

If you are interested in learning more about how a mommy makeover can revitalize your look and give you a new lease on life, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has expertise in the field of body sculpting. A mommy makeover surgeon should be well-rounded, with a background performing breast surgery, liposuctionabdominoplasty, and other body contouring procedures. Make sure you review their before and after photos and read testimonials of former patients. At the end of the day, you need to feel a personal connection with your surgeon, as trust is the best foundation for a successful, sustainable outcome.