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With Corrective Breast Augmentation, Dr. Maercks can correct capsular contractions. Depending on the individual, he’s able to use a technique that minimizes recurring capsular contractions.

Corrective Breast Augmentation procedure details

During the surgery, implants may just be removed, or replaced. It may also be necessary to remove any scar tissue that has formed around the implant.

This will depend on the patient’s preferences and the doctor’s concerns. Dr. Maercks is able to perform a change of planes to the Cold Subfascial Breast Augmentation for more natural-looking results. For patients who prefer minimal to no scarring, Dr. Maercks can accomplish the Corrective Breast Augmentation using a miniscule incision under the armpit.


Results from Corrective Breast Augmentation can be seen immediately and will improve as the swelling subsides. Recovery time varies from patient to patient but typically lasts longer than the recovery period of the original breast augmentation. Avoid strenuous exercise for at least two weeks after surgery. Regular commitments can be continued after 7 to 10 days, depending on the individual.

Why choose Dr. Rian Maercks for breast surgery?

Dr. Rian Maercks is a board-certified plastic surgeon who not only elevates the standard of patient care and safety with every procedure he performs, but has also made a name for himself with his innovative and progressive breast techniques. His approach to both surgical and non-surgical procedures of the face and body have earned international recognition by both surgeons and patients alike, and his undergraduate training in fine arts and philosophy created the framework through which he explores the world of medicine and plastic surgery. As the expert who will formulate the right treatment plan for your goals, Dr. Maercks uses his attention to detail, artistic vision, and experienced judgement to design a procedure that leverages your unique beauty in a manner that is anything but cookie-cutter. Reach out to us today and discover why Dr. Maercks has changed the lives of thousands of patients over the years.

The Maercks Institute


How much does Corrective Breast Augmentation cost?

The average cost is $16,500.

Who is a good candidate for Corrective Breast Augmentation?

Ideal candidates for Corrective Breast Augmentation are patients who are dissatisfied with their original implant shape or size, or who deal with complications such as implant deflation, implant rippling, implant rupture, “double bubble” deformity, capsular contracture, or symmastia. As Corrective Breast Augmentation is a very individualized surgery, consultation is necessary before any decisions are made.

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